The cats are exploring the new house and finding all kinds of interesting places. Madness have to be wherever Bubbles is. He doesn't seem to mind.

Bubbles is seeking out all the sunny spots. He doesn't like cold weather at all. And off course Madness is close by. On her Gizzy quilt!

Later this week I will post some pictures of their outdoor adventure...
It's fun exploring all the new places, isn't it???
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Looks like you are settling in well. Is it colder in Georgia than Louisiana? We don't know anything about the climate in those states, except we thought they were both southerly so probably both pretty warm?
Everycat looks quite content to me. High places are the best!
WOWY - that cabinet spot looks like a great place to check things out!
Yeah! I am glad you are settling in and looking so happy.
Hmm, maybe moving is not so bad...we don't know, we'z never done it since coming to our furever home. We haf no advice about going out either since Zippy is da only one dat goes outside and she does it on a leash and dis is da only place she's ever lived!
Cute photos Ariel hates the cold too...Hugs
Thanks for stopping by my purrthday party!
Your house looks so pretty... also has a lot of neat places for the kitties to play. I know they love it.
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