Bubbles We think you are the most brave cat we have ever seen to not even care one whiff about those vishus deer sneaking up on you. purrs >^,,^< ♥Abby♥
Bubbles, what a brave mancat you are. I'm sure the Vishus Deer realised they would have been in trouble if they got any closer. That looks like a great spot for a Sunday.
Bubbles, that is a perfect spot for an Easy Sunday! But, um, don't look now, but you've got some visitors...
Holy Carp! Are you a brave guy, Bubbles! Lucky too, those vishus deer didn't EAT you!
oh no! Vishus deer!!!! Stay safe--but that does look like a nice peaceful place to rest.
OMC! Vishus deers...so close to you!! You were so brave to not move, Bubbles! We don't know what we would have done!!
Bubbles those two deer are huge, you are brave to stay outside with them watching you.
We think you are the most brave cat we have ever seen to not even care one whiff about those vishus deer sneaking up on you.
You are the bravest cat ever, Bubbles. I am glad that the vishus deer didn't attack you.
We hope you didn't have to dial 911 to get help getting your mom out of the tree. :)
Bubbles, what a brave mancat you are. I'm sure the Vishus Deer realised they would have been in trouble if they got any closer. That looks like a great spot for a Sunday.
You managed to survive the vishus deer! Mommie, Little Nicky, and I are so pleased to hear that you've been doing so much better! Yay!
~Emerson, Little Nicky, and their Mommie
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