Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Misty & Dusty

After hearing about the plight of the poor Green Wall Shelter Kitties, I decided to visit my local shelter to see whether they have any kitties in need of a home. And low and behold, there I found Misty and Dusty, all alone with a scary sign above them saying, in big red letters, S A L E. That did not sound good to me, so I quickly scooped them up and brought them home. They have not met Bubbles and Mrs B yet, but I'm sure everyone will get along fine.


Anonymous said...

YAY! More save 'ramic kitties! Hi Dusty and Misty!

Anonymous said...

cecilia, you are so generous and big hearted to save those poor kitties. they must have come from the same litter since they look so much alike. i think i will go visit our local green wall shelter tomorrow to see if they have any kitties up for adoption. i hope bubbles and Mrs. b will understand the poor kitties plight and be generous enough to share their home with them.

Anonymous said...

I really hope everyone gets along well. They look like they won't start too many cat fights. They also look like they fit right in.

Anonymous said...

How great! Two more Green Wall Shelter kitties saved! Ya know, I just discovered or rather, realized I have a GWS right down the road from me!!! Will have to go check it out!

Anonymous said...

wow! you really finded some! we have lotsa Green Wall Shelters near us, but we keep looking an haven't found any kitties to adopt. it's okay though cause Robyn is sendin us Darkle

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so pleased that more of Charcoalie's littermates haf found homes! It's become known as the litter of squillions. They're furry good roommates cuz they nefur try to steal our food or toys or laps or the bed.