Do you remember that LT (Dobby) had a little sibling,
Little Blackie (LB)?

I've been putting out food at a new site for
Momcat since December, but did not see LB. In the beginning of January, I noticed a little black cat of about the right age show up where I feed Momcat.

In any case it's been showing up regularly for about 4 weeks now. Since we all know The 2 Bs does not want a new "friend" I made up my mind that I'll just feed it, but nothing else. And so the weather got colder and wetter and the kitten became cuter and cuter. So Friday night I trapped her!
At the moment I'm calling her Midnight Madness. The madness part has nothing to do with her temperament. It is to remind me that I knew very well that I was crazy to take in another cat, knowing full well that the 2 Bs will not be happy. But what can I say? I'm a sucker! I just could not leave her out there.
So here she is (sorry about the flashed eyes). At the moment she is still confined to a large wire cage (with her litterbox, food and bed). She allows me to scratch her and is pretty friendly. I've let her out a little Sunday evening to explore the bedroom, but she spent most of it hiding under the bed. She is missing about a third of her tail. It's not very clear on this picture.

Of course I cannot be 100% sure that she is Dobby's sibling, but she is the right age and just look at the little
white spot on her chest. I've looked at some of the pictures I took of the kittens before the den was distroyed and I'm pretty sure it's her. In any case it does not really matter now.
So it is offical now. I'm a Crazy Cat Lady.
Thank you very much because you're so kind take care our feline friends.
Run, Bubbles, run! LOL! It's really hard to ignore a kitty who needs help, isn't it Cecilia.
What a cutie! How can you resist! Its so great of you to worry about this little family. Tara
I was just looking at Dobby earlier, wondering whatever happened the other kitten. And here she is. I'll betcha it's the sister.
This is just wonderful, can't believe it.
Yup, you're crazy. Welcome to the club!
Hi LB! we wuz hopin' you were ok an wonnerin' where ya went. you finded a purrfect purrson ta take care of you an, if ya duzzn't pounce 'em, maybe those offur 2 cute big cats mite like havin' you around. remember - no pouncin'.
Nuffin' crazy about lovin' kitties! She's a cutie too!
Oh she is adorable! That is so nice to you to have taken her in. She is one lucky little cat.
Oh, this is wonderful news. I've so often wondered and worried about what happened to this little kitten. I'm so glad she is with you now, Cecilia. It's so wonderful that you have always kept looking out for her.
And, LB, pay attention to what Grr, Midnight & Cocoa said about "no pouncing".
Barbie-Lou & Talor & Clay
Midnight Madness is beautiful! I think her short tail gives her character. And I don't think you are a Crazy Cat Lady, I think you are a Lady with a Big Heart!
We are furry glad she survived and turned up again. There's nuffin crazy bowt loving kitties and taking care of them. We admire yoo furr it.
Whoever that two's company and three's a crowd, never had cats.
Uh-oh Bubbles....but this is a girl kitty so maybe she'll be more fun to hang around with?
PS- People call the LL a "crazy cat lady" all of the time but she just laughs in their faces!!
My human is laughing. She said things like that too. Those little cats are purty lucky to have you...
She's adorable.Your not a crazy cat lady your a true angel who loves cats.
Wow, yeah! It's got to be her! She looks well, except for her poor tail. But that just adds to her character, right?! She is a cutey and I'm so glad you were able to catch her.
And yep, like ML said, welcome to the club, hehee! You were already there, this just confirms it! ;)
WOW! That is awesome that you found her. Mom and I have wondered about Dobby's family too. i will tell Dobby, he will be so glad to know that she is with you and she is safe.
And you're not crazy, just kind. ;)
Crazy Cat Ladies (and Men) unite! It's so good that you found her. How about mom, could she be trapped and fixed so that you don't need to trap more kittens in a couple of months?
Daisy is right are a lady with a big heart! With all that little kitty has been through I am glad you took her in.
I still cannot believe how much Mrs.B looks like my Boo.
Abby's Mom
Crazy: No. Cat Lady: Yes. Thank goodness she's safe.
She is so cute....even missing part of her tail! God Bless You for taking in another homeless feline!
Crazy, who cares? Well done for rescuing Dobby's sister! (we are sure she *is* Dobby's sister). She certainly looks like a character, and the little white spot is very cute. If I wasn't on the other side of the Atlantic I'd adopt her like a shot (ssshh...don't tell Fat Eric!)
Kate (Fat Eric's mum)
she is so cute. she is so lucky you are a "crazy cat lady". i like to think of you as cecilia - the compassionate cat lady.
yer a crazee cat-ladee ... an mi dad iz a crazee cat-man! an da truth iz ... dat yer both grate! midnight iz luckee jus like mi noo brudder matsui ... (hoo iz offishulee owt frumunder da bed!) an me!
The world goes round by cat ladies. Crazy or not.
Taking care of another kitty is a VERY GOOD thing...
No, definitely not a CRAZY cat lady! Just one totally SANE cat lady who is kind and wonderful. Best of luck with LB; she's very cute.
The 2B's are very lucky to have such a wonderful mom.
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