Thursday, February 01, 2007

Here we go again.

As expected Bubbles is not amused by the presence of Madness. As with Dobby (LT) he just wants to go outside to get away from her. This morning, while we are all nice and cozy inside next to the heater, he went outside. But not on his usual mice hunting adventure. Oh no, he made it very clear that he was only going outside to get away from the inruder. Here he is sitting forlornly, all puffed up against the cold, in the coutyard.

Just look at that expression. He is not a happy guy. To make me feel even worse, just after I took this picture he came and sat right next to my legs for some warmth. But when I called him to come inside, he just gave me a sad look and puffed up even more. *sigh*

UPDATE: Apparenlty Blogger has decided that nobody should be allowed to comment on my blog! I've informed them of my displeasure. I'm awaiting their reaction.

UPDATE: Comments are working now. Yay!


Anonymous said...

wonderful expression Bubbles, nothing like showing beans how you really feel

Daisy said...

Thank goodness! I tried to post on yer blog all day yesterday. I wanted to say that I think Bubbles looks so sweet and sad, I wish I could pick him up and cuddle with the poor guy.

Forty Paws said...

Poor Bubbles!! He doesn't look like a very happy camper. Doesn't like the interloper, huh?
Luf, Us

Pee Ess. We understand.

Emma's Kat said...

Awww, Bubbles! It's not that bad! Look at you pouting in the MIDDLE of the courtyard, lol!

LZ said...

I tried to post all day yesterday! Thank goodness its working again!

Poor Bubbles, that is quite a look indeed. I'm sure he'll come around, part of being a big Man Cat is dealing with annoying siblings.


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Hang in there Bubbles! I wish you could come live here....but you might not like me either!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Oh Bubbles...yoo gotta tell Mrs. B to check my blog this weekend!! But make sure yoo do it in an unnsuspishus way so she duesn't think anything abowt it. -Cheeto

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Poor Bubbles! Do you need a valentine?


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yeah! We can comment again. We were trying to figure out how to tell you, but as long as somekitty did, that's OK.

Poor Bubbles! He seems so upset. We soetimes get annoyed with each oter and want some "alone time" (and sometimes outside), but we get over it pretty fast.

We hope he gets over it and gets used to Madness being around...

Lux said...

He has that look down to an artform! I hope he finally came inside.

Anonymous said...

we're glad Blogger decided to cooperate finally. we found that yours and Rocky's were both down for comments for a really long time.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Bubbles, my poor blog twin. I sim-pa-thize wif yoo. Mom gets annoying kittens fur fostering. Sher she makes 'em stay down in da foster kitty room but still...der are toyz in der dat I cood be playing wif and she duzent let me. None of us is effur allowed in dat room a'cuz mom sez dat until dey are tested she duzent know whut kinda germies dey haz. We'z seen it aftur she'z cleaned in der and washed effury thing and der are toyz and cat furnicher dat we dunt have upstairs. Whuts up wif dat.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Bubbles, yur so expressive! But I fink yur bein a bit over-dramatic, like Bonnie. Poor Bubbles!