Bubbles: Oh this is interesting. It smells so nice. It's from our good friends
Grr, Midnight & Cocoa. Madness - your prize it here...
[click to biggify pictures]
Madness: Is this all really for me?

I think I can smell Grr.

Where are you Grr? Are you in here?

Look at all my stuff! Toys and treats and nip and... even a baby squillion!
Hey, Bubbles what are you doing?

Mom! Bubbles is stealing my nip!
Bubbles: Oh, that was some good nip.
Madness: It's my nip! Oh it is yummie.

Look Mom, it' me on the bag.

Oooohhh, a blue mousie.

Grrr, I'm gonna kill the mousie.

Oh, oh, a blue sparkly ball. Gonna kill it, killllllllll it dead.

It's tasty. Blue tastes like chicken ....

Phew, now we are all tired after all the excitement.

Thanks Grr, Midnight and Cocoa! Me and my blue sparkly ball need a nap now.

Mom! Mom?
Mom: Yes Madness.
Madness: Mom, can I bring my blue sparkly ball to sleep with us in the bed?
Mom: *sigh* Yes, Madness. I guess I can sleep with you and Bubbles and a sparkly ball.
But no pouncing in bed!