Years ago there was a National Geographic special about cats, called "The Secret Life of Cats". During the intro to the program this is the question they asked: "It's 8 pm. Do you know where your kitty is?"
About a week ago I woke up to Madness and Bubbles growling. They were looking through my window, so I got up to see what it was. Outside I saw a ginger cat sitting and looking at them. I've never seen this cat around here before and it just hung out in front of my apartment for quite some time.
Eventually I got up and took some food outside. It ran down the stairs, but returned to eat the food once I went back inside. So a few days later, I saw a sign close to my apartment about a missing orange cat. I called the number and the people said they moved away, but I should send them a picture and if it is their cat they will arrange to get it to them. Unfortunately the cat only comes by at night and runs away when I go outside, so I had a lot of trouble getting a picture.
So naturally, the geek in me decided: Motion detection camera!
So I set up a cheapo wildlife camera and here is what I got.

Unfortunately it turns out that this was not the missing orange cat that the owners were looking for. In any case I set up the camera again last night in the hope to get a better picture and I got: Another cat!

And a little later this cat.
Remember him?
And eventually the ginger showed up also.

It's amazing how the other two found out so quickly that I put out out some food! I don't usually put out food right at my apartment (the landlord and some tenants complain about it), but I guess I'll continue to feed them until I move away at the end of September. Anybody want a stray kitty? Or three?