Hello everycat, LT here. I’m so excited that I’m blogging. Mombean has to type for me ‘cause I don’t know nothing bout typing. You cats probably don’t know this, but I live with 2 other cats, a fat cat and a skinny cat. I love them and want to play with them, but I don’t think they like me much. I don’t know why, cause I’m sooooo cute.
The first time I saw the fat cat I ran to her ‘cause I thought she was my new Momcat. And you know what she did? She wacked me right on the head. Three times. Whap. Whap. Whap. Well, I did not let that put me off for long. As soon as she turned around I whacked her right on the booty. And that is how things have been ever since. I try to whack her booty and she tries to whack me on the head. He, he. It’s a fun game. See here she is sleeping (hiding) on the chair and I’m getting ready to whack her booty.
The skinny cat just wants to play ‘chase’ all the time. I run up to him, and he runs away, so I chase him. But he never chases me back. He just sometimes growls at me. He is a very weird cat if you ask me. What kind of cat does not know how to play chase?
Except for the 2 cats, there is also a huge thing living here. At first I could not figure out what it was. She feeds me, gives me a warm place to sleep, cleans my poopbox and plays with me. So I figured she is my new Momcat. I was very surprised, cause she has nearly no fur, and she is really, really huge for a Momcat. The fat cat said I am stupid; she is not a Momcat, but a Mombean. I’m not sure what that means, but I love to lick her furless skin. Mombean says she is my Mr. Tasty Face. I have no idea what that means, but her face does taste very good.
The fat cat says I should watch out. She says I better stop chasing the skinny cat or I’ll have to find another Mombean. What does she mean? I don’t want no other Mombean. I love my Mombean. I purr so loud when she scratches me. And I lick her nose to show that I really, really like her. And I follow her around everywhere. And we play and I run and tumble and jump and climb… But the fat cat says I better make friends with the skinny cat, cause what the skinny cat wants, the skinny cat gets. I’m scared.

I asked Mombean about this, but she said I should not worry and that she promises there is nothing to be scared about. I think I’ll try to chase the skinny cat again; maybe this time he will chase me back and everything will be OK.