It is official! I have OCCTBD (Obsessive Compulsive Cat Toy Buying Disorder). I believe I have mentioned several times before (
here and
here) that I love to buy toys for Bubbles and Mrs. B. The problem is that they don't like to play with the toys I buy. And yet I don't stop buying them! So the only solution is for me to play with them myself.

Last night Bubbles got into the cube for about 2 minutes. I think he just wanted to make me feel better, since he could see that I was disappointed that they don't like it. I like it! One day I'm going to find a toy they like! It has to be something they can play with by themselves. It is my mission. Any suggetions?
Manny told me to tell you that they probably would purrfer a milk or soda cap; a cardboard box; fake toy mice; a fruit loop and a christmas tree.
You can send me the cubes. I likes them and have lots of funs with them. I use them to hidey in and then jump out at mum.
Lol. Yes Mrs. B does like the milk jug ring thingy!
A catnip mouse on a string tied to the ceiling or the frame of a doorway. But you have to hang it low enough.
Its my cat cube!!!!!!!! Not fair that you have more than one. They won't let me have more than one because I chew on them 'cause they're tasty.
Do your kitties like nip? If they do then Chase has the bestest toy ever they will love. Its a banana FILLED with nip, no other stuff, just pure nip. He loves it and no one else is allowed to touch it.
You look very good in the cube, and that is all I have to say on the matter!
Patches Lady
Those cubes look like lots of fun
Fank you for your kind werds and thoughts for Trixie. We 'preciate them.
uh, bubbles and mrs.b, we hates to tells yous this but we thinks yurs mommies needs to see a bean vet. she is actin kinda weird getta in yur toys. we hopes she starts feelins better soon.
yuki & kimiko
Thanks for visiting me!
I love all toys except one. That was the Cat Racket, which was like a fabric tunnel that crinkled when you walked or played in it. I didn't like the noise. (Don't tell anyone, but it kinda scared me.)
But you know what? Sometimes my mom buys cat toys and then keeps them for herself. I should write about that because I don't think that's right.
LOL!! You are too funny! Have you tried something w/fev-vers on them?
I sekond the fev-vers! Fev-vers are wunnderful!
~~ Sanjee
Fevvers. We has those cubes an I luve runnin through them chasin somefing. Bonnie gets in an swats anything that passes. When I'm inside, sumtimes a toy rubs the outside an I HAVE to attack it. If yur mom thros a milk ring on top of the cube, that might be interestink.
oh dose look like fun! I can come of-ver and play wif you,we could haf lots of fun!
mices yu need mices wif nip n wool in um an yur mumma needs to see the hooman v-e-t for her hed prolems
Mommy's buys us these balls wif fev-vers on the end, we luvs those, but mostly we like, bottle caps, pieces of paper, bags, and one of us will even make a toy out of a piece of cat litter...
Bubbles, can yoo get yer lady to come ovur to owr howse and teech owr lady how to get OCCTBD?
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