We are all doing fine. And we still DO read your blogs. Mom is just very busy and she doesn't have time to comment and blog much. I'm having lost of fun and am a very happy teencat at the moment. I get to go out, but I have to wear a noose with Moms phone number on it. I don't know why, cause as soon as Mom calls I come chirping and running to her. Me and Bubbles go hunting every night. I've only caught one mouse (plenty of lizzies thought), but Bubbles catches a mouse or rat nearly every night. Me and Bubbles are buddies now.
OK, internets, I'm going to try to get Mom to let us blog a little bit more often. Love you all!

Pawesome to meet ya! We understand, my mommy is very busy and sometimes it's hard to see everykitty's blog and comment too!
We hope to see you more often. You guys are adorable!
Yay Madness! Hi Bubbles, Mrs. B...we'z missed yoo guys.
Love you, too! Good to see you again!
it's so great to see you again! our Lady hasn't let us comment much recently either - mostly because she's been so busy with those kittens.
Looks like e areal comfy spot you have to nap on!
purrs, Kashim & Othello
Madness, I'm glad to hear that you are all doing fine, and that you and Bubbles are friends now. :) I am very impressed with your hunting ability, since I've never even seen a real, live mousie.
You sure look relaxed up there!
Hiya Madness! Hi Bubbles & Mrs B!
Madness, I come running whenever my Mom calls too! But I don't get to go outside, or catch any mice. Good for you!
That's a great napping spot. What a good idea!
Hi Madness,I'm mickey
You really know how to relax up there, all stretched out. have a great nap!
Madness!!! I miss you gorgeous! Its so nice to hear from you.
Hi Madness!
Hi Bubbles. It was good to see you both. We hope your Mom lets you come on and blog more often. We enjoys seeing you!
we is glad you is OK!
It's good to see you. You look very relaxed.
I am impressed that you all have such good hunting skills!
It looks like there was some serious relaxing going on! You probably need the rest after all that hunting.
Wait a minute here. You and Bubbles are FRIENDS? Wow. I don't know if he EVER would have been friends with ME. Also I'm furry impressed with your mouse-catching skills. I have never caught a mouse. But I catch bugs all the time.
Glad you're okay! We don't blog too much either, but we're okay, too. :)
Glad to hear you're OK!
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Wow, I thought you guys fell off the face of the earth. I'm happy you are okay and doing well. I like the new blog look. It's different, isn't it?
Thanks fer da update! We're glad you are all doing well.
wow! you got soooooo flat. I'm so glad you're OK and are just busy. Great job catching that mousie. How do you do it with the harness on??
I can't believe you're a whole year old. Wow. You certainly are growing up very nice.
We miss you!
That wooks a fuwwy nice pwace to stwetch out on.
I understand all about those busy moms syndwome. Mine Mummy gets it all the time too!
Nice to hear from you again...
Wow, Madness, you can sure stretch out long!!!
Skeeter and LC
Hi Bubbles and Mrs. B. It's been a long time for us too. We don't get to visit a whole lot or post as much as we used to either. Mom gets upset with dialup and her computer. It freezes up a lot. Mom saw your comment on Kat's cat. Kat had her baby, so she is pretty busy right now and guess she won't be posting for awhile. Jenna was born Sept. 22 if my Mom remembers right. So guess the baby bean is more important than us kitties, at least for right now. Boy, Mrs. B you sure are stretched out on that couch. Gosh you look so long. Bubbles you look pretty sharp there too. Take care you two.
Hey Cecelia and fuzz! I miss visiting everyone's blogs so much! I haven't even been online the whole weekend, lol. Hopefully before too long, the new baby, Jenna, will get on a better schedule. Right now it's all I can do to get a shower and eat, lol.
Thanks Casper for letting Cecelia and the 2B's know what was going on. I hope to get back to posting soon. Just too busy with the new baby who was 4 weeks old last Friday(10/19)!
Madness - Love that middle picture, lol! You look so long and flat!
Glad to hear your okay cute photos :)
Oh, Bubbles, how I have missed you! Glad to see the whole family is fine. I can't believe that you and Madness are friends now, but it just shows that you're a wonderful guy and big brother.
Oooooo, ya look so comfy relaxin"
you look so comfy up there all stretched out ~The Fluffy Tribe
Hee hee. Yoo don't look dead. Yoo look like yur having a nice relaxing snooze.
ars mommees has been busy too. well, she hads sur-ger-ee an thens her puter messt up ans we coodnts blog. we is glad yu is ok. we hafs missed yur adventshures wifs bubbles ans mrs b.
yuki & kimiko
I Dare You!
Yes, It is ME, Anastasia! Karl was thoughtful enough to put the Dare out on the Day of the Dead, so I can come personally! And if you don't accept the challenge, I might just come again and haunt you, Hahahahahahahahaha!
I am very glad that you are not dead in this picture. I hope you are all having a good fall.
We sure hopes yoo's still ok! And...
Happy Fanksgiving!
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
I am going round the blogs saying Happy Thanksgiving to all my Mericky friends! I am furry jealous that we don't have a turkey day here today but mum says I only have to wait till Christmas...:-)
We miss you in the blogosphere ...
Happy Thanksgiving to your fambly! Eat as much (burp!) turkey as you can manage!
DMM and the Feline Americans
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