Warning: Content not appropriate for our Bunny friends.
This morning I heard a screaming sound from outside. I ran outside and I saw Trouble with a small bunny in his mouth. Of course I screamed and ran towards him. The bunny scrambled away, but I think it was injured. I can only hope that it will be OK.

Our new addition is definately living up to his name. T R O U B L E !
Oh, how sad. The spring is so scary for little critters when there are cats about! Hope the baby recovers. They have very delicate nervous systems.
Maybe good ol' trouble should put up his claws until summer☺
Oh goodness.....we know that Trouble didn't mean to hurt the bunny!
oh my trubbble you need to learn to like buns. I sure you did. i hope the bun will be okay
Lilly lu
Hello! Love your kitty blog! I am a siamese named Leia and I have just started a new blog of my own! I could use some feline support! Please link me:
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Thanks, Leia
Oh Dear!! I went through this list of cat bloggers and gave my blog address and now I have had to CHANGE my blog location! If you have been kind enough to link me, please change the link for me, and if you have not linked me yet, I would love it if you would!! Sorry for the inconvenience, I look forward to getting to know all of you purrrfectly lovely friends!
Leia of the House of 7 Cats
*let me know if you do link me so that I can link you back!!
Oh no, not a bunny! We sure hope it's okay. Hey Trouble, got some lizzards or something else that you could catch instead?
We're wondering how Mrs. B is. Did she get better? Purrs & hugs!
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