Here Squish is inspecting the loot.
The Temptations are Creamy Dairy flavor and Bubbles LOVES, LOVES, LOVES them. We can't believe our Mom never got us this flavor. They are yummie!
Trouble claimed the red heart. He looks like a tough guy, but his just a big old lover boy.
Thank you very much KC, Mom ML and your whole family. We appreciate it very much. We think Bubbles is now addicted to this flavor of Temptations! He already ate nearly half the bag!
That is such a great big red heart. What a wonderful package from KC. That was so nice of them to send you that great big bag of treats. Good stuff. Take care
What a nice thing for KC to do!! We've never heard of that flavor of Temptations...we're gonna have our mom look for them. We're glad Bubbles is hanging in there and doing well.
That is so kind of KC! We are glad that you love the Dairy Temptations and the huge red heart!
Luf, Us
Wow, what great loot! Trouble is just too cute with that heart.
KC is the best, isn't she? That was so nice of her. We love that red heart, and those Temptations sound nommy!
KC is the best!
We are purring for you Bubbles.
What a nice surprise package. Especially glad Bubbles is enjoying the Temptations from ML & KC.
What a wonderful package and how nice of KC to send such lovely gifts for you!
Whicky Wuudler
How great of KC to send you such a nice bag of goodies. I am so glad that Bubbles is enjoying the Temptations so much. Trouble looks like he really loves that big heart.
Oh, I'm so glad Bubbles loves the Dairy Temptations.
And I love Trouble sitting on the heart.
Looks like mine package was a big hit.
That warms mine little heart.
Love & Purrs,
BTW, is that Bubbles eating Temptations off of yours keyboard????
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