First I want to thank everybody for all the support and kind words. It's been overwhelming to see how many people Bubbles touched and that even through this electronic medium his spirit came through.
I've had cats my entire life and loved them all very much. But Bubbles was special. He was independent and sweet, fierce with other cats and incredibly gentle with people. He loved the outdoors and was fearless out there. But underlying everything was his incredible trust and devotion to me. We had a bond that I've never experienced before.

Since Bubbles was diagnosed I've been hoping desperately that he would die in peace at home or in the garden that he loved so much. However, it was not to be. When I arrived home early on Friday he was lying on the floor, breathing heavily through his mouth. He hasn't been feeling well for a few days and I knew that it was time to help my sweet friend along. I am thankful that I was there with him at the end but it was the most desperately heartbreaking thing I've ever had to do.
At the moment I can't think about him without breaking down, but I hope that in time I will be able to only remember the wonderful days I spent with this gentle, fearless soul who will be a part of me forever.
Yes, it sure is very tough, but eventually the wonderful memories will make the heart smile once again.
I know exactly how you feel. Gizzy has been gone five years and I still miss him.
I still miss Chumley, 4+ years later, and of course it's not quite 19 weeks since Annie had to be helped to the Bridge. No one ever gets over loss. You just cry your heart out for as long and as often as you need to, and then keep going.
(((Hugs))) and Light.
Our mom says she knows how you feel. Bubbles reminds her a lot of Scooter, the one that came before us. After 5 years of him being gone, she still misses him. We hope that all the good memories that you have of Bubbles helps lessen the sadness you are feeling.
My mama knows how you feel. She still desperately misses the cat who came before me. It is a gift to be able to spend their last moments together comforting them. You did the right thing helping him. I hope your pain eases soon, and you can look back on all the wonderful memories you haf of him.
The most difficult thing we may find ourselves doing for our feline family is knowing it's time to for them to go to the Bridge and helping them along, but it also the most wonderful thing we can do for them too, to not let them suffer.
So, sending snuggles and purrs until the memories outweigh the sorrow.
Taz, Runt, Charles, and mommy, Anna, in Illinois
There is always a cat who just crawls around in our hearts and doesn't let go. Bubbles will be with you always. We know you did the right thing for him and are sending our purrs to you.
time takes the edge off the pain and allows the sweetness of good memories to grow. continuing to send comforting purrs.
kazoku neko
Bubbles will live forever in your heart and the hearts of effuryone in the Cat Blogosphere.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
You need to keep thinking of the good and remembering that you did your best for him right up til the end when you took away his pain and suffering. There's always one that claws their way into your heart and won't let go...
Although I think about the wonderful years I had with Ninja, I miss her velvet paw on my cheek and still get misty when I think of her. They never leave our hearts. My most sincere condolences.
Brenda, Boots & Ozzie
terribly sorry for your loss. Bubbles is sweet wonderful kitty. I hope you find healing soon.
I've been following you and your cats for a long time but I don't think that I've ever commented.
I'm so sorry about Bubbles. It will take some time for the grief to mellow (like wine, perhaps?). But until then it will remind you to remember the best parts. It is never easy but in the end the experience always seems to be worth it.
Hang in there. I'll be thinking of you.
Debby, the lurker from Philadelphia
We are all crying with you. It is such a hard thing to help a friend over the bridge. We are purring that your heart will remember the good times and be comforted.
Cody and Gracie
It will take a long time to get to the point where you can think about Bubbles and not feel sad, but it will happen eventually. We've lost 4 of our dear cats and I remember each for their unique personality and the joy they brought us.
Purrs to you all.
I just learned that Bubbles went to the Bridge as I have been offline due to equipment failure. I think we've k known Bubbles since we began blogging and we are all very sad around here to learn he is at the Bridge. WE are so sorry for your loss and we will keep you in our prayers. Bubbles was special and he will be greatly missed.
With time, the pain will ease and you will be left with beautiful memories. You did the toughest thing any catmom can, yet it was kindest, too. Our hearts go out to you.
Victor, Nina, & Tabbymom Jen
Yes, it an incredibly hard thing to do and it's good you were able to be with Bubbles when he passed. We're glad you had such happy years with him. He left you a lot of wonderful memories.
It's so difficult, isn't it? We still feel the loss of our sweet Maggie, who passed away in March. Know that it gets better in time. We are thinking of you as you mourn the loss of Bubbles, and sending you our heartfelt purrs and prayers.
That was how it was with Rascal. My heart aches just to think of it all again. In fact, it was a year ago today that we helped him across the Rainbow Bridge.
They say time heals all wounds and it does. Time doesn't fill the Rascal or Bubbles shaped holes in our hearts, but peace does come.
We are so very sorry to hear about Bubbles. Indeed he was one of the first ones when I started to blog also. It is always so hard to put a beloved furry friend down. Patches still tugs at my heart when I see a picture of her. No other cat will fill Bubbles paws but the time will come when you think of him your heart will fill with love. God Bless you in your time of grief.
Casper, Cleo and Monica
We are so very sorry to hear of Bubbles' crossing. I'm sure he is watching over you, purring for your comfort.
We are purring for your comfort too.
we's furry sorry to hear that bubbles has runned across the bridge. it's allus really hard fur those of us left behind, an' we sends purrs an' purrayers fur you !!
Thank you so much for visiting us and for your kind words for Whicky. We miss him so much. We are sure he and Bubbles are having a riot of a time at The Bridge together.
Gerry & Oliver
I feel so horrible. The entire time you were offering me support for Alex, I had no idea you were going though this... I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is such a hard thing. I remember when I had to put my dog to sleep, I knew it was the right thing to do, but it broke my heart anyway. It takes a while, but eventually, you will be able to remember the good times, and not just cry. Bubbles will be with you, in spirit, always. Bubbles was very lucky to have such a great home. Hugs
To have that one special 'Heart' cat in ones life is a treasure that we can hold in our hearts forever. So it is with my Bo, who went to the bridge in 2005 and there is not a day goes by that I don't think of him and miss him. Funny, he will always be 15 years old to me, never age a day past that,even though he would be 21 years old if he was here wit us stil...
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