He got neutered and also got his ear tipped. I let him out the evening after his neutering and he was fine. Surprisingly he came around the house again the very next night. I carefully opened the door on a crack and put some food out for him. Since that day he came around every night at 9pm sharp and cried in front of the door for food. I was very careful not to touch him in case he decided to attack me again. I now basically had a feral cat that I was feeding, but at least the spraying on the front door stopped. I guess it was a fair trade - his manhood for regular food.
Good job on getting him and having him neutered! At least that's one less mancat to be out there making babies. :-)
And we're glad he has food...Our mom has done the same with "Toby" at our place...She managed to get him in May and have him neutered. He comes for breakfast every morning, but where he goes after that is a mystery.
Great job with the TNR! We think it's real nice that you're feeding him, too.
Yeah for the trap and return!
He's a smart cat to realize that food is more important!
Great TNR job! And I think food for his lost manhood is a fair trade... I can't wait to learn the full story....
Sounds like a fair trade to us. Glad you two have a truce so he doesn't attack you any more.
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