A couple of nights ago I suddenly heard a loud Breaow comming from the direction of the kitchen. I looked in that direction and saw Bubbles staring at me. He slowly closed his eyes in the "I love you" gesture, then threw back his head and demanded Breaow! I eventually figured out that he wanted a treat. He is a very picky eater and did not like any of the treats I bought previousely. He does not even like human food, except maybe Arby's Beef. However recently I got an innocent looking Ocean Explosion sample when I bought my regular Meow Mix. And he is now officially addicted to it. He doesn't want his regular food, his just wants his Breaow Mix -and yes, cats do ask for it by name!
A new kind of kitty treats??? Great! Must go tell Mom now. I wonder if she'll know what "breaow" means.
How cute. They should get Bubbles to do a commercial.
May have to try those for Missy, she is just as picky as Bubbles. She will only eat dry cat food and nothing else.
Bubbles you smart boy! My Emma loves a certain treat...Can't think of the name at the moment!!! Arghh! Friskies Sensations? I'll get back to you on the name. She's not too picky, but loves these treats I can't quite remember the name of. I'll definately have to pick some of these new treats up to try, since Bubbles approves of them! Give Bubbles a scritch under the chin for me!
way to go bubbles! you have succeeded in training your mommy with a one breaow command! it won't be much longer and she will be under your power completely! all the treats and catnip you desire. woooo hoooo! - yuki & kimiko
girls, i don't think so. we beans aren't that easy to train. we ARE smarter than you give us credit for. - momsbusy
who's she kiddin? our grandma brings us refills for our treat jar whenever it gets low. guess who tells her when it gets low? mommy! - yuki & kimiko
Bubbles..shh! Manny is going to want me to get him some of those! He already has plenty bags of...hmm...what are they called? He comes running when I shake the bag. Oh, ok, I will get some breaow mix to treats to try.
I remembered the name...its called Temptations.
We lurve Temptations (the purple bag is bestest - milk flavor) but the Calico Girls sent us the Breaow Ocean Explosion an WOW!!! Mom left the tainer on the counter, so Bonnie an I knocked it down ourselves. Efun after it was empty, Bonnie knocked it off the counter again. Bonnie gives Mom the *blink*, then stares at the treat cupboard. She'll scratch at the door, look at Mom an say, "Noooooow!" I fink she goes too far when she actually growls at Mom to ask fur treats.
I don't see why we can't haf that instead of regular crunchies. It tastes bestest. Temptations, too. I haf to be careful which treats I eat as certain foods... aggravate my gag reflex. Yes, that's it.
(Mom here - the vet says they're hairballs... we call it barf)
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