First thing this morning I went out to buy some of Deb's patches. Unfortuanately they would not stick real well on his wound. I think it is just at such a bad spot, with lots of hair around. They stuck just fine on me (yes, like any good Mommy I tested them on myself first!). So it looks like for the the time being we'll have to live with the collar.
Thanks for all the good wishes. Bubbles is getting all the treats and "tuna water" he can handle. Now if you can send some cooler weather so that it is more comfortable for me outside babysitting him, that would help. :-)
we're glad Bubbles is better today. We knew he would not be mad at mommy for long.
Bubbles, I am glad to see you are looking normal again and are feeling better. Nothing like fresh air, treats, and tuna juice to cheer us cats up.
oooh Bubbles - you got to go outside? your mommy is furry nice ta let you do that cause she's not supposed to. try not to hate her, it was that EVIL VET who put that collar on you
Oh, wow, outside still freaks me out an I haf to wear a harness an keep Mom on a leash. You DO look better. I bet bein outside helps you furget the e-collar. Remember yur momma lurves you an it was the VET who did this to you.
we is so glad you is feeling better. yur mommy is so good to make sure stuff is good enuf for you. she says them things in-tin stikin and that wuz bad. yurs mommy luvs you lots and lots. yuki & kimiko
So glad you're feeling better Bubbles!!
Cecilia, why don't you send me your address & I'll send you some bandages that will work. I promise! debrastaylor@earthlink.net
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