Sunday, September 09, 2007

It's my Birthday!

Hello all. It's me Madness. And today I'm one whole year old! Can you believe that! And so is my brother Dobby!

OK, so we don't know exactly what day we were born, but the vet said it was one year ago today, so I'm sticking to my story.

Well, we are still all doing well. Me and Bubbles like hanging our in the courtyard and I hide under this big plant and plan attacks on all the lizzies that live around there. Bubbles catches lots of mice and sometimes he even lets me play with them. Mrs. B is also fine. She stays inside and plans attacks on my food bowl.

Well, it was nice to chat with you all again. We wish Mom would update more often, but she is just too lazy (oh sorry "busy"). Bye for now.


Lux said...

I hope your first birthday is filled with the nicest things, Madness! Happy Day! (You look gorgeous in your pictures!)

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Happy First Birthday Madness! :) I hope you have a wonderful day! :) As we say in German: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you!

Millie said...

Happy Birthday Madness!

Daisy said...

Happy Birthday, Madness! Now you are all growed up. Hooray for you! I hope you get lots of presents and treats.

Fat Eric said...

Happy first purrthday Madness! (I stopped over to wish Dobby a happy purrthday too). Hope you get lots of treats and attention! Seems like only yesterday the two of you were tiny kittens on that building site...!

The Feline Sextet said...

Happy Purrfday! We dids a double take (wuzzat Meowmy?) when we saws yur pikshur, you looks just likes Her Majesty!

Dobby said...

I KNOW it, can you believe we're ONE whole year old??? We're grown ups!

Glad to hear from you. My mom has been lazy/busy too, so we haven't blogged much either. But we are enjoying livin' in Col-oh-rah-do.

Happy Birthday, sister!

Dobby said...

Also, I'm glad you have that white spot on your chest like me. Cause dude, otherwise, we don't look much alike. :) Do you have one on your belly too like me?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Happy Purrthday Madness and a squillion more...hard to beleeve it's been a year since yoo and Dobby gots reskood! Tell Bubbles dat Speedy sez hi too...

Victor Tabbycat said...

Hey, wow, a whole year already! So glad you an Dobby was resqed. It's good you get along wif Bubbles, too, cuz he didn't much like Dobby.
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Deer Madness,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes!
... and many more!!!!!!
A Happy Chipendude,

Hot(M)BC said...

Happy Purrthday Madness! It's hardta believe you're already a year old! Wow! We's furry, furry glad yoo got a grate home!
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 1st Purrthday, Madness! And many, many more!! You have grown into a very beautiful Catgirl!
Your FL furiends,

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Birthday Madness!!!!!!!!
A mighty fine looking black cat! You look good hiding under the leaves.Mom thinks you are cute.My sisfur has a white spot under her chin too!She is a black cat too

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Happy Birthday, Madness. I'm glad that you're getting along with my wonderful Bubbles. I miss having him visit, but he has a special place in my heart.


Ivan from WMD said...

Happy first birthday, Madness! I hope you got lots of treats and toys on your special day!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Happy Birthday Honey!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Happy birthday, Madness! I think it's great that you and Dobby share the white spot on your chest. It's like having one of those friendship lockets that people keep half of and give the other half to a special friend. It means you're always with each other!

The Crew said...

Madness, sorry we missed your big day, but we hope you got a huge pile of presents.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Birthday.Beautiful Photos :)

Bonnie Underfoot said...

Alright. You kitties need to get your bean off her duff so she can blog for you. Right noooooooow. Need me to knock some sense into her? Just ask.

Oh, as inspurration, we've tagged all three of you for the 7 things meme. The post is here. I'll get grumpy if you don't do the meme.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Oh Happpy Belated Puurrthdays to you from the Fluffy Tribe

jenianddean said...

Happy belated b-day!

Phoebe said...

Happy birthday, Madness! I hope you had a fun day.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Happy belated first Purrthday Madness! You are growing into a very gorgeous cat!

Anonymous said...


I changed my blog.Here is the new web address...

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Wow! Concatulations on reachin' a first birthday milestone! Did you have some cake? I like cake ... It's GOOD! I hope that you have furry many more wonderful birthdays!