Soooo... About 3 weeks ago I started seeing a cat around our apartment block hopping on 3 legs. It seemed he could not put any weight on his one front leg. He seemed pretty wild and I wasn't sure whether he was a stray or really feral. I felt sorry for him, but I absolutely cannot take in another cat! I just kept repeating: "You can't save every cat. You can't save every cat."
But, of course I also could not stand that he/she was in pain, an not try to help. So I got a trap from the lady that helped me before, and actually got him trapped on the first attempt. His left leg is swollen, but I cannot make out whether it is broken.
So this morning I took him to the vet. And it was good news. His leg is not broken. He does have a severe abscess. They treated the abscess and also neutered him.

He is a beautiful cat. Well, at least he has been treated, neutered and got his shots. I feel I've done what I could with my resources.
Bless yoo! At least now he has a chance and won't be fighting and getting hurt.
He will get into less fights now that he is neutered. Bubbles would be very unhappy if you took every stray cat in. Alley Cat Allies would definitely approve of what you did. We think you did good too! Purrrs.
thank you BubblesMom! we think you are an angel!!
I think that he is very lucky that he found you.
You are the hurt cat angel!
Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurs of thanks!
We can only do what we can! What you did was wonderful!!
You're an angel! Even if he still doesn't have a furrever home, at weast he's been wid of his discomfort and gotted his shots.
He's lucky to have found you to care for him as you did. :-)
Bubbles tell your Mommie dat she is a furry nice angel and dat is wuz grate that she helped da poor little scairt kitty.
you are such a good hooman... you save other kittehs and help them out... i think you are a kitteh guardian angel!! i wish there were more hoomans like you!!
We think you did a real nice thing for that kitteah. He's lucky to have found such a nice person.
Oh, and we tagged you for a meme, you can see the rules at our bloggy.
You are so good, Cecilia.
Dobby says hi. :)
You're such a wonderful lady!! You did over and above for this handsome kitty.
That's wonderful what you did. It's true that you can't save every cat, and as much as we would like, not every cat is suited for a full-time home. He really is beautiful though. I really admire what you do. Unfortunately, my own attempts at cat assistance have not been as successful. Glad the other kitties are well!
Mattingly and Harlie's Mom
Awwwww...he does look like a nice kitty. Meowm feels bad for all the outdoor kitties too!
Thank you for taking care of this kitty. His abcess will heal now and he won't make any babies. That helps alot!
Do you feed him?
Miss Cecilia, you truly are wonderful and caring. We both applaud and thank you for helping one of our own.
awwwwww - your mommy is so sweet! bet that kitty has a much better life now, even if he's not in somebody's house. purrrrs for your mom!
Madness - please come by our blog ASAP!
hey Madness - could you please e-mail your address to us at kch917 @ we wanna get the prizes to you!
i am sure that boy feels 100% better. that abcess must have been pretty nasty. he should get into less trouble now that he is "fixed". that will make his life easier. you are a special person!
your Momma did the best she could and now the kitty won't be in pain and die from his abcess and he is nootered too so there won't be stray babies. Give your Mom a paws up for us ~The Fluffy Tribe
I think that's so wonderful that you helped the kitty with the sore leg.
Hugs to you,
Yay!! How awesome you TNR-ed him!!
Have you seen him since. He might not have been able to say thank you, but you really did a good thing for him!
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