Bubbles is doing better all the time. The collar still frustrates him, but at the moment he is more irritated that I don't allow him to go out whenever he wants. At the moment I don't want him to go outside unless I can go with him. He is also getting spoiled since I'm giving him wet food. My cats NEVER get wet food, so it is a real treat for him.
isn't stinky goodness AWSOME Bubbles? After your collar comes off, you has to demad it all the time.
Poor Bubbles with his collar. Bubbles if you don't wear it you might get an infection if you scratched it. We humans know how hard it is to keep away from itching healing wounds. One of my dogs Bandit that has since gone to the Rainbow bridge had to wear one when he had his ear operated on. He didn't like it either. It's hard on Momma's too cause they don't like you being uncomfortable. Won't be long and it all will be history. You are one handsome cat Bubbles. Be patient. O.K.
Oh BTW thanks for stopping by and checking Cleo out.
How precious is that sleeping posture!? Too cute! Glad you're doing better w/the yucky e-collar, Bubbles. Won't be long now and you'll be able to take it off!
How precious is that sleeping posture!? Too cute! Glad you're doing better w/the yucky e-collar, Bubbles. Won't be long now and you'll be able to take it off!
Bubbles - stop looking like you're okay wif this or your mama will stop spoiling you! next, ask for ham! it's the bestest!!
Oh Mr Bubbles
I know this doesn't feel good right now, but your Momma is only taking good care of you. And it sounds like she is taking VERY good care and watching out for you. Your getting LOTS of good treats. It won't be long before that collar will be off. Don't worry and you'll be back to your normal rountine in no time.
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