Happy New Year all kitties and beans. Here is LT showing everycat what to do with any soda cans they encounter.
Step 1: Find a can. Wait for condensatin to form on the outside.

Step 2: Start licking the outside of the can.

Step 3: Keep licking. Even when Mom or Dad yells "NO". They will try all kinds of things to get the can away from you, like moving it somewhere else. Just find it again and continue licking.

Step 4: Make sure to lick the top of the can. Yes, right there where the beans put their mouths to drink. This is especially important if you are licking the can of a guest that does not seem very comfortable with cats.

For some reasom LT loves to lick the outside of any glass, can or cup that has something cold in it. I have no idea why. It's not as if he does not have plenty of clean water to drink.
Well, it's more fun to lick the outside of the can...
You haven't learned to knock it off the table yet?
good job lickin da can ... espeshullee ware da humanz put dere lipz!
laffin an laffin!
luv--yer frend--jh
HA HA- That is a good trick. I just like to steal the straw out of the can.
Happy New Year!
Happy Happy New Year!
I've never licked a glass or can. I think LT is gonna teach me lotsa new fun things!
We's takin notes. hehehe
Happy Noo Yeerz alla yall :)
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
That looks like a great idea. I like licking but I've never tried licking a can before.
Hee hee! Happy New Year to you all!
Happy Mew Years, alla you! Has LT joined the Attack Tabbies yet? That post's definitely attack tabby material. Way to go, LT! Oh, hey, we got our secret paws from Mattingly & Harlie in the same box you used to send to them, so we smelled you guys as well! How cool is that?
Happy New Year! Ainchooo cute!
oooh, yummy~!~
Happy New Year from my furry family to yours!
LT, that looks like a good idea! I hope you have a great New Year with your new family!
And to Bubbles and the beautiful Mrs. B and their human, Happy New Year from all of us!
so cute! tigerlily will come running if she hears water running in the sink, but she hasn't noticed condensation yet. for some reason any water that is not in her dish is way more interesting than what i put in her bowl. it is such a cat thing.
happy new year!!
We don't have very many cans here in Germany, so I can't put this technique to the test. Water is very good to lick up though!
Very cute photos LT. :)
Thanks LT, that was very instructional! I am going to try your technique out today.
you sure are smart!
Oh LT you maked mine Momma laugh so hard out loud! That second picture down is really funny :) I've done this a'fore and you're so right...it's divine! Beans don't know what they're missin'!!!
Hehee, you look so cute LT! That big 'ole tongue of yours, lol!
The Big Thing doesn't use cans, so we can't try that. But we have tasted stuff in glasses before. It usually doesn't taste very good!
But we check because sometimes it is cold water and we like to drink that. When he sees us do that, he pours it out, but sometimes he doesn't know we did.
We think that's funny.
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