Mrs. B is not usually a lapcat. Even when it is cold she prefers her pillow next to the heater rather than my lap. She will jump on the couch for some scritches, but then leave once she has had enough. But here she is on the couch with me (yes, that big lump in front of her is my legs). She is watching TV and maybe that is why she is on the couch. She has a better view of the TV from the couch than from her pillow.

Nice spot!
Wow, doesn't she look all snuggly and comfy. How long did that last?
Maybe there's hope for Missy, too.
Mrs. B! I am glad you are learning to snuggle!
Mom says I'm not a lap cat with her yet I love to lay on grandpa and grandma's laps.I think she's jealous.
looking very cosy there.
wot was on TV???
Snuggling is good Mrs B speshully in winter.
Oh, what a nice girl! We are very partial to tuxies here. Enjoy the cuddles while you can!
Were you watching the golden globe awards?
awww - how cute! our Lady finded a boy kitty at PetSmart who looked lots like Mrs. B but wif effun longer furs an she spented an hour cuddlin' him yesterday instedda comin' home to us. you tuxies is earyzistibble.
A good view of the talkin pictshur box is furry important. We mus teach the beans these lessons.
Luf, Us
Or maybe she was just feeling a bit snuggly that day!
Well, you need a good spot to watch TV. It's furry important to be comfy.
Dobby likes to sleep in the bed that you guys sent up here with him. I'm thinkin' maybe I need one, too.
We wouldn't mind snuggli' up to Mrs. B!
The temperature has dropped here too...I like to snuggle up to my humans when it is cold.
You look nice and comfy there watchin TV. We don't snuggle up too much on laps spechully since the beans don't seem to watch much tv. We already yelled at dem about it.
Yeah, I like watching the sparkly box too. An I look like Mrs. B. I wonder if there is a conection.
That looks so nice and snuggley! I hope what was on the tube was good... I like to watch it too...but never know what is on it!
Mrs. B you sure do look comfortable there. Whatcha watching on TV?? I like the shows that have the animals on it. One time there were birds and the noise had Amber looking around wondering where the sound was coming from. Mom thought that was so cute, I thought it was funny. Hey that's a cool animal in the picture below yours.
Great photo. :) Mrs. B, you look very comfy there. What was on TV?
I love this! That is wicked cute! And very cozy looking.
Oh that looks furry snuggly Mrs. B.
Awwww, that is sweet of Mrs. B to snuggle on your lap. I don't do that much either so when I do, mommy stays put. I made her late for work the other day!!!
It must've been a rerun of 24 that is making her look so intent!
Mrs. B knows a good thing when she sees it.
What a lovely face Mrs. B has!
CalicoMom Toni
Awww, she's looks so comfy too! Was she watching Animal Planet?
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