Seriously Mom - That food is not fit for a cat to eat!

Come on open the refrigirator already. We both know that's where all the good stuff is.

My sister sent me some pictures of Crinkle (above) , Babatjie and Bontie from back home in Africa, so from time-to-time I'll post some of them. That is my Mom's leg you can see in the picture above. Crinkle has enough catatude for about 10 cats and the pictures of him are priceless. Babatjie is a great hunter, while Bontie is a beautiful calico that is more than 20 years old! I hope you will enjoy these pictures of the 2 Bs extended family.
Hi cute Crinkle! You know where the good stuff is, don't ya!?!
Crinkle sort of reminds me of Missy. I can't wait to see Bonti, I don't see a Catster picture of her (?).
Oh, Crinkle is awfully cute! Is that a plate of scrambled eggs? YUM!
That is a plate of corn! Now you can understand why he wants something out of the fridge!
There is no Catster page for Bontie at the moment. She is my Dad's cat. Maybe I should make a page for her.
Crinkle has really cool markings! And obviously some serious catitude!
Very cool photos! Crinkle certainly looks like he has a lot of catitude! Great expression on his face in the first photo!
Is that scrambled chickie eggs in your bowl? We love those! It would only be better with ham in it.
Crinkel is purrty cute. That food looks kinda weird...
Oh, Crinkle is gorgeous. And I just love that expression on his face in the top picture. He's definitely letting someone know he doesn't like the looks of that food in the dish.
Barbie-Lou & Taylor & Clay
What is that yellow stuff? You eat that...or is it a facial mask?
I love to jump in the 'fridge when ever the door is opened. The food lady keeps veg-tables on the bottom shelf so it dosen't matter if I kick some out ;)
crinkle is cute with his little catitude. can't blame him though. corn and not stinky goodness. someone should get fired over that.
They certainly know what the frigermator is. What does Bontie eat that kept her alive for over 20 years?
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