At last Mom let me open my Secret Paws from
Edsel/The Pooch. It's about time! Oh goodie, just look at that big box!

Oh, I think I can smell Edsel. Sniff, sniff.....

Mom, look at all this stuff! I just know there is something tasty in there.

Grffff. There is even something for Mom. I'm sure if she knew that, she would not have made me wait so long to open it!

OK, Mom are you finished taking pictures? Can I jump in now? Can I? Can I?

Just look at all this great stuff! Kitty grass and jingle balls. Fur mousies and mousies bathed in catnip! Even a beautiful card! A catnip bag and Oh, oh, TEMPTATIONS! TWO WHOLE BAGS of TEMPTATIONS! Oh Edsel, you know me so well!
Oh yes, Mom got a beautiful kitty shaped picture frame. I think a picture of me would look gorgeous in it. But Mom will probably put a picture of that little
Dobby (LT) in it! Grrrffff!
Mom: OK Mrs. B choose something to play with now, and the rest we will keep for later.I choose THIS! Temptations!
Mom: Are you sure? Don't you rather want one of the mousies?Are you blind woman! I said I want my T'tations!

Hmmm. Yum, yum. That's what I'm talking about.

Thanks a lot for my fantastic Secret Paws
Edsel. I love it.
Crunch, crunch, crunch ........
What? Oh yes, Moms says thank you for her gift also.
Crunch, crunch, crunch ........
Great photos! What a wonderful Secret Paws package. :) Those look like great treats and toys. Enjoy!
It was 70 degrees here on Thursday. Then the high today is 24. WE have the second wave of sleet/snow coming in tonight.
I guess we should have said something about the wonderful secret paws gifties you have and great photos.
Wow, you got some really GREAT gifties!
Love the kitty frame it's adorable.
Hi! Tanks for luving owr blog. We ad u to owr blog roll now. Dat's cool dat Edsel the Pooch sended u Secret prezzies. Happy Chrismaus and Merry New Year!
Forty Paws
Gosh Mrs. B you got a box like KC has. Don't blame you for picking the temptations they are yum. Your Mom got a lot of good pictures of you checking everything out. Have fun with the other stuff too.
Wow, such cool stuff! You must be very happy!
Edsel and his Momma send the bestests of stuff!
Just *look at all those goodies! It's like Christmas again!
Ah, Three Bathed Mice! We haf that. It's a great way to, um, recharge toys that haf lost their appeal. The container is cat-proof and the catnip is 90-proof! Great loot, Mrs. B!
i wish i had sum more prezentz to open!
u got sum grate stuff!
good thinkin to open da food first!
Mrs. B, would you please tell Speedy that he is the subject of a challenge I just issued? Fank you furry much. Purrhaps that will keep him out of YOUR gifts. Boys!
Did I say "Speedy"??? Of COURSE I meant Bubbles! DUH! The Two B's! See, it's THAT hard to tell them apart or sumfing. I'm going to bite Mom fur that mistake.
whoa - great stuff! that reminds us - we gotta marinate some mousies in nip again.
we just heard about the challenge - whoohoo!
i'm glad you like it!
Your Secret Paws is terrific! Your Temptations® won't last long though ... hee, hee! I'll teleport over and help you eat them!
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