Bonnie Underfoot challenged us to post a picture of Bubbles's face for comparison with Speedy. Remember we previousely wondered whether Speedy was Bubbles's long lost little brother since they look so much alike?
OK, Bubbles is having his Sunday afternoon nap on his favorite chair outside. Let's see whether we can get a nice picture of that cute little face.
Mom: Bubble-meister?
Bubbles: *yawn* Yes?
M: Bonnie challenged us and I need to take a picture of your face.
B: *yawn* OK.

B: OK. *yawn*

B: For Oreo? OK, how's this?

B: I don't think I can. *yawn*

B: My eyes are open!

B: Sorry, I..... just ........ can't. *yawn*.

Awwww, that's a great series! Sorry to interrupt yur sleepy Sunday, Bubbles. I know the feeling.
Playing Who's Who was G,M&C's idea. Post as you like; you've met the challenge, and quickly, too! I can't wait to see what Speedy's mom does.
I've got pictures from Speedy's mom, too, and I've updated my post. Gee, side by side, it's a lot easier to tell you apart! Fanks for participating. We'll get the $$ off to Brandi and Oreo's moms soon.
we luff the face shots bubble i know the felling mama is always shoving the flash box in my face too
You two look similar, you could be brothers, not twins. I had to look really close to see the differences.
When we saw this on Bonnie's blog, we thought this picture was Speedy and Speedy was Bubbles. We had thought we knew both cats but obviously we were wrong!
o, Bubbles, so goods of u's to interrupt your Sleepy Sunday Nap, but fur a good cause.
I'm sorry they disturbed your nap, dude! but at least they're really great pictures, so maybe your mom won't bug you for more for a while!
Bubbles, you have an adorable face!!
Good job Bubbles. There's not many cats that would take up good sleeping time to help others.
That was very nice of you Bubbles, I know how much it sucks being woken up from a nice nap.
excellent pictures! you two really do look lots alike, but we think we know how to tell you apart now.
I'm amazed you were able to get some pictures- it looks like he was moving way too quick!
I'm with you there, Bubbles. Mom's always complaining about pictures with my eyes closed. Well, if she wasn't bothering me while I'm napping.....
Maxwell Smartkitty are so cute!!!
The resemblence is uncanny.
What a great series of photos! :) Bubbles, you have a very cute face. You look very sleepy in that last photo.
Nice job completing the challenge!
that is a great set of pictures! he looks very content and calm. Must be cause he sent me the freakazoid energizer bunny kitten.
Oh, Bubbles, it's so hard being a highly sought after model. Nice job.
Bubbles those are really good pictures of you, and you did get your eyes open in a few. Maybe you ought to go in for a modeling job.
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